You have questions, we have answers…
Don’t be intimidated by how awesome this server sounds, because you’re awesome too!
However, I highly recommend reading through the FAQ before pinging anyone, because there’s nothing an EQEmu player likes more than telling you to read the FAQ.
“What in the world is, ‘Multiclassing’ and why don’t I like the sound of that!?”

Tripod Bighammer
Good question, Tripod!
Heroes’ Journey offers a classic experience with some incredible twists. The main twist is that after you load into the game for the first time, you will select a second and third class path by talking to the corresponding guild masters in the Bazaar.
You effectively become all three classes at the same time. Basically, you get every single thing from all of them, (spells, AA, discs, skills, itemization) and in cases where you can only have one thing (like base HP, or ac soft caps) you get the best!
“What do you mean by, ‘Enhanced Loot’? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY PIXELSsss?!”

Ssergeant Sscales
Don’t worry, Ssergeant!
All your favorite gear/items are still here. Including long lost items like Mossy Twigs, Mana Stones, and Holgresh Elder Beads.
The difference is, when those items drop, there is a chance they roll as an even better version with enhanced base stats (Enchanted) or an even betterer version (Legendary) that has enhanced stats AND additional heroic stats.
There may even be additional random enchantments in the future!
“I mean, ‘Class defining AA’, sounds cool, but almost all servers have class specific AA. What’s different?”

Darkest Desires
You see, on Heroes’ Journey, when you pick a class, you immediately (at level 1) get a couple AA that help you fill the roll that class is meant to fill. A few examples are:
Shadow Knights starting with Mortal Coil and Explosion of Spite
Enchanters starting with permanent and project illusions with the ability to control their pet.
Rogues starting with Chaotic Stab, Shroud of Stealth, and Killing Spree
A full list can be found in Discord!
“So, I’ve heard of TLP before, but what does, ‘Personal Progression’ mean?”

Pheno Barbital
Well, Mr. Barbital,
Progression WILL be time locked, however, in order to progress once the time lock is up, YOU will have needed to participate in the killing of certain raid targets or the collecting of certain rare items.
For instance, to get out of Classic and into Kunark, after the time lock is up you will need to have downed Lord Nagafen and Lady Vox, OR collected the necessary rare items and turned them in (TBD).
“This al’ sounds good, but tell me about ‘Free Trade’. Cani’ trade ANYTHING I wan’ or na’?”

Cragbeard Metalhide
Ya can’ Cragbeard!
Whether it be regular, Enchanted, or Legendary, (the three versions available on all gear), everything is tradable and equippable at level one here.
However, there is one caveat, once you equip a piece of Legendary gear, it will attune to you and require a special unattuner if you want to trade it to someone else.
You can also create a trader to sell your wares in the Bazaar while you are out slaying beasts! (Traders bypass the 1 box per IP restriction and are capped at level 1).
“Solo box mean Derp can play and can have one box right? Derp can have two Derps on same PC!”

Derp Derp
Ermm, no, I’m sorry Derp Derp.
Solo box means you may have ONE character logged in at any given time. Special dispensation will be given for Bazaar Traders but you may NOT adventure with more than one character at a time.
Additionally, you may not use MQ/E3 at all. If you are caught cheating you will be… what’s the thing you do to gnomes? Eaten… no, wait, flogged yes.
All group content can be killed by a single player. Most raid content can be killed by two players. All raid content can be killed by three players. They just need the gear, and the AA.